Since being on maternity leave there are few things that I can say I truly enjoy about being home most days. The small things that I have consistently looked forward to and that make my days better are baby’s nap time, baby’s play time, showering and watching The Social.
Yesterday, on The Social, they featured a segment called “How to order wine like a pro” with their guest Natalie MacLean. I really enjoyed the segment and learned a few things that I thought you might enjoy reading about as well. You can check out the full segment at
Ordering wine at restaurants is always a daunting task. I have been fortunate to dine with people who take the liberty to order wine for the table or make all the decisions for me. As a result, I have tried many wines that I would not normally order… however, I have had some wines that I really didn’t enjoy based on the foods that I had ordered.
The segment on The Social yesterday gave me the best tip – when people are ordering a variety of meals which include both fish and red meats you have options! Yes, typically red wine goes with red meat and white wine with fish… but for people like me who dine with people who eat fish at every meal but also love red wine (my former boss is this person), there is a solution! According to the segment, Pinot Noir and/or Riesling can pair with a wide range of dishes as they are neither too full-bodied, nor too light.
Going into the long weekend with many celebrations and hopefully a night out on the horizon be sure to check out these tips to be sure you know How to order wine like a pro.
My shoes for that: Earn Your Peep Heel in Crimson from ModCloth
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