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Last Minute Shopping? Keep it Local!

At 34 weeks pregnant running around all over the creation is simply out of the questions for any last minute shopping to be done before the holidays. In fact getting in and out of the car is becoming quite a chore so the more shops in one downtown location, mall, etc. the better for this pregnant lady.

Last weekend was the weekend the Mr and I usually head out of town and get the last of our Christmas purchases made but this year we stayed at home and had a local shopping day. Partially due to my decreasing mobility but also inspired by a presentation I participated in the day before from Excellence NB where they were presenting the economic value of shopping local, buying local products and how we can really drive our own economies by supporting those around us.
I am the first one to admit that I was a bit skeptical of our choice to stay home to shop, but have to tell you I was SHOCKED at the outcome! We had some pretty specific branded items on our list including Blundstone, Herschel, My Home Apparel and Corkcicle and to my surprise we found EVERYTHING we were looking for at home in Bathurst, NB.
In fact I had written off the corkcicle wine glasses as a lost cause because online they didn’t ship to Canada. We were elated to find them at Catherine & Company downtown Bathurst and I’m sure Little Dude is going to be thrilled to find out Christmas morning that he bought his parents super fun, insulated wine glasses 🙂
Sometimes we are quick to hop in the car, drive out of town and spend extra on gas, restaurants and hotels when we can actually find what we are looking for close to home. This weekend if you’re in a panic and trying to get everything on your list I challenge you to go into shops you don’t visit all that often, browse around and shop local – you might be surprised what treasures you will find!
Merry Christmas, Jenna

My Shoes for That: Blundstone’s of course (but I won’t ruin the surprise for the recipient by posting a picture)

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