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Going to the Beach with kids

Everything you need for a successful trip to the beach with kids - what to wear, what to bring and what to drive for ultimate convenience.Long gone are the days of a “normal size” beach bags filled with normal adult beach things. Going to the beach with kids means you might as well pack for a mini vacation because you are going to need all the things. 

Side Note: I have gone to the beach with Little Dude several time with NOTHING and it lasted about 20 minutes until one of us got bored, hungry, tired… you get the picture.

Like anything and any excursion with children you really can never be too prepared. The trick is to be prepared and not have a truck load of stuff to try and manage (especially if you’re on your own).

Everything you need for a successful trip to the beach with kids - what to wear, what to bring and what to drive for ultimate convenience.

My children are 3.5 years and 5 months old (for context…)

What I pack in my Beach Bag:

Everything you need for a successful trip to the beach with kids - what to wear, what to bring and what to drive for ultimate convenience.

Everything you need for a successful trip to the beach with kids - what to wear, what to bring and what to drive for ultimate convenience.

What we wear to the beach:

Last but not least, one of my favorite features of our Ford vehicles is the keyless entry. Especially when I go to the beach alone with both kids! I love that I can lock my keys in the car (on purpose!) and not have to carry them around or have them with my stuff which will definitely get left on the beach alone as I chase a toddler and make sure the baby isn’t eating sand. I use the keyless entry feature ALL THE TIME, but I notice the convenience of it especially on beach days, playground visits or trail walks. Who wants to carry keys when you have 10 million other things to worry about and try to keep on you?!

Did I miss something that you bring to the beach for your kids?! Be sure to comment and let me know.

Have the best beach days all summer long!

xo Jenna

A special thank you to Hatheway Ford 
in Bathurst, NB for sponsoring this post.
 As always, all opinions are entirely my own.
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Toddler Airplane Bag

Youghall Beach Park

Day Trips in Northern New Brunswick

Everything you need for a successful trip to the beach with kids - what to wear, what to bring and what to drive for ultimate convenience.

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  • Reply
    elizabeth braid
    July 11, 2019 at 7:28 am

    What about your phone to take pictures? ;-))

    • Reply
      Jenna MacDonald
      September 16, 2019 at 9:40 pm

      Good point! It is typically pretty handy, but on airplane mode so I don’t get distracted 😉

  • Reply
    Carmen LeBlanc
    July 11, 2019 at 8:44 am

    We don’t even have kids and we still bring oversized bags filled with pretty much everything you listed – except maybe the baby carrier. 😉

    • Reply
      Jenna MacDonald
      September 16, 2019 at 9:39 pm

      hahaha, I am picturing you carrying each other up and down the beach now

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