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New Brunswick’s Magical Elf Trail

Sometimes the most magical places are found where you least expect them. The Elf Trail is a hidden gem that is part of a public trail system in Bathurst New Brunswick that nearby residents have truly added a magical touch.walking trail in northern New Brunswick

I had heard about this trail several times but couldn’t find it. In a way I think that added to the magic because it is not only different, it is not obvious to find. That’s where this blog comes in handy… share it with the adults, the parents trying to find a magical activity this season; the grandparents looking for something to light up the faces of the little ones; and the young at heart who can use a little holiday sparkle this year.

Where is the trail?

In Bathurst, New Brunswick Canada on Youghall Drive you will head towards to Bay of Chaleur/Youghall Beach Park and look for this driveway on the left hand side of the road. Don’t worry… the trail is public and they are expecting people to park and use the trails even though you may feel like you’re parking in someones back yard. The  first charming thing about The Elf Trail is that you are parking in someone’s back yard, but again… it’s ok, they are expecting you!

How far is the walk?

When you enter the trail, head straight and walk for about 10-15 minutes depending on your pace. The day we went Kate was on foot (mostly) so we may have taken a bit longer than most others. That said, enjoy the walk, the smell of the trees and give yourself at least 15 minutes for this stretch.

You will come to an intersection where you will see several bird feeders on the left, a little bench and a sign that says “Traverse des lutins” which means “The Elf Trail” in French. You guessed it… follow this trail. about a 2-3 minute walk down The Elf Trail and you will arrive at the Elf & Ferry house.

Let your imagination run wild and enjoy the simple splendour of The Elf Trail!

xo Jenna


Best Hiking Trails in Northern New Brunswick with Kids


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