Nothing says Happy Holidays like cookies, family & wine. Cliquez ici pour la version française de cette publication The girl’s in my family have made a tradition over the…
Rien de mieux que des biscuits, la famille et du vin pour célébrer les Fêtes. Click here for the English version of this post Au cours des quatre dernières…
If you haven’t guess it already I am a huge fan of peanut butter desserts. From my Mom’s Frozen Peanut Butter Pie to these healthy Peanut Butter Pudding Popsicles…
Over the summer when no-one was even thinking of chili, I was getting ready for football season and perfecting my healthy chili recipe. This chili recipe has taken me…
Anything that tastes like a treat but is an acceptable breakfast food is a winning recipe in my books! These peanut butter pudding popsicles have been a favourite for…
Lorsque je pense à certaines saisons de l’année ou à certains événements, quelques saveurs me viennent à l’esprit. Cette trempette au crabe est un incontournable pour nos événements en…
In all of my preparing for baby Kate’s arrival I knew that finding some healthy make ahead meals that wouldn’t break the bank while I am on maternity/paternity leave…